Registration form: Two-Day Geospatial Workshop (August 16 and 17) @ MCC

We have reached capacity.  Registration is now closed.  Thank you for your interest.

The GeoTech Consortium of Western New York (GTCWNY) and MCC will be hosting a two day geospatial professional development workshop August 16 and 17 (2016) for high school teachers. GTCWNY is funded through a National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education grant.  Please register below.

This summer’s (2016) group of HS teachers will be a part of cohort 2. Each cohort will:
<> attend the two day summer workshop
<> integrate a ~160 minute GIS activity into their classroom in the fall. An informal observation will occur per the grant.
<> attend one or two after school PD sessions in the fall. All participants successfully completing the program will receive a small stipend (TBA). A technology tool (e.g.,ipad) will be available to borrow for field work.

Date and Time: August 16 (8:30 am - 3:00 pm) and Aug 17, 2015 (8:30 am - 2:00 pm)
Location: Monroe Community College, Brighton Campus (BLDG 11, room 111)

For questions, please contact: Jonathon Little @ or Heather Pierce @

The "GeoTech Consortium of Western New York: Get the GIST (Geospatial Information Science Technology) Certificate" is funded through the U.S. National Science Foundation DUE award # 1501076.

We have reached capacity.  Registration is now closed.  Thank you for your interest.